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Web Design Trends: #2 Long Scrollable Pages Back

#2 Long Scrollable Pages

Long scrollable pages are becoming  more and more common on the web theses days. Rather than treating a website as a series of pages,  long page design deals in sections of content and treats them as an integral part of the sites navigation. Pages are a hangover from print design which has always felt artificial. “People know how to scroll” and a large percentage of people view sites on mobile. By  combining long scrollable pages with responsive design/development and in page navigation we can create sites which are more in line with how users interact with them.

Case Study: This style of site is suitable for small sites like the one we created for Go Native and large sites with multiple user flows like Trenz where long pages are combined with user centred navigation keeping the site simple and easy to navigate.

Go Native: Small simple one page site

Trenz website: example of long page design with in page navigation for a large site.

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